Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We are here because we didn't like the way that other people ran their countries. Some people might not want to live here because maybe they like the way that things are being run.
If someone gets sick then they go to the doctor. You must pay the doctor or you must pay the doctor over a period of time or you will not be helped.

We encourage individuality. You can dress however you want. Almost every style is acceptable. The only thing they can do to help us is give us their opinion. The choices the citizens get to make are almost everything that concerns them.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Most residents spend their day working. You must have a job to live here. The only people that don't have to work are children, because they must be in school. If you don't have money then you can trade. You get more pay for a more vital job. For example, if you are a person that drills up oil, then you get payed more than a garbage person. If you don't work or go to school then you must be disabled. There is no way for life to be worry free. No matter what. If you are under 16 then you can be restricted from some areas. If you have money to sustain you life on your own, then you can retire early. The normal retirement age is 65. The only time you have off are weekends and when your shift is over. The only other time you don't have to work is for religious holidays. You can spend it almost however you want. There is television. You can watch whatever channel you want as long as you order it. Every channel has to be ordered. You have to fix your own meals but you can buy food from the grocery store. People are treated equally.

Monday, March 15, 2010

We have a court system. We have cameras watching all the streets, and if the crime is committed somewhere where the cameras can't see then we will have a team investigate. We do have police. Order is maintained by police or swat teams. We do have prisons. We will help someone that is disabled. If that person doesn't look for a job or even try to get one, they will cease to get welfare checks.

You can have many children as long as you can take proper care for them. We don't care what your religion is as long as it does
n't kill or harm anyone or any animals. We accept any race or culture. If you don't speak English you will be taught. We will take anyone when it comes to wealth. When you come to Alermiter a home will be provided for you but you must pay it off.

Alermiter is an strip of land with tall mountains. The actual city is in the mountains. We are in the middle of the ocean. We may sell stuff to other countries but we don't buy stuff from other countries. We are on top of an oil patch. We solar panels, hydroelectricity, and lightning rods near the top of the mountains. We have coral reafs to protect us from invaders. We have a tropical climate on the beach and a cold climate in the mountains. Lower class have small houses, middle class have medium houses, upper class have big houses. The leaders have mansions. Cars are resurved for the rich. If you don't have a car you can either ride a bike or ride the bus.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our government is an oligarchy. The creators are the rulers. The laws of Alermiter are as followed: no murdering, no stealing, no use, distribution, or possetion of illegal drugs, no right to bear arms without permit, you are innocent until proven guilty, freedom of religion, and no extorting.

The punishments are as followed: Stealing= 5 years in jail. Grand theft= 15 years in jail. Assault=10-20 years in jail. Usage, distribution, or possetion, of illegal drugs= 35+ years in jail. Bearing arms without permit=15 years in jail. Murder=20 years in jail-death. Mass murder= death. Forcing religion=10 years in jail. Extorting=3 years in jail. And if you do something really bad, you are banished. Although if you steal something small and you get caught, you must pay for it or work for it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome to our utopia. The creators are Jeremy, Alex, and Carter. The name of our utopia is Alermiter.